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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hey, it is Halloween today!...

So, lets continue with the horror stories of butterflies ending their short lives in dramatic circumstancies...
How about butterflies lured to electrical lights and fried alive by the heat of the lights and/or stuck behind the wire screens...The one on the left is likely a male Evening Brown (Melanitis leda), here the underside is seen, in it's wet-season form, I believe. The one on the right side is probably the same species and also a male but seen from the top side, therefore darker.
(The above picture has been taken in the Botanical Garden in Harvey Bay, last August.)

Or alternatively, imagine yourself (if you can) being fed to a young rainbow bee-eater...

(I spotted these butterfly-eating rainbow bee-eaters locally, at Ginnindera Creek in Canberra.)
The butterfly is most likely Vanessa kerhawi (Australian Painted Lady).

And here (below) is one more photo from Cape Hillsborough of unlucky entanglement in the spider web, yet different species of butterfly; nature is so often both beautifull and cruel at the same time...
As for the name of the butterfly it seems to be one of the Bush-browns, perhaps Dingy Bush-brown (Mycalesis perseus)? But what surprises me is that it is a wet-season form even although this photo was taken at the end of July...I am not too sure how to explain it, could it be that the poor butterfly was hanging there for several months?

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